
Real protection: Preferential Payment Cover

Imagine you have delivered, your customer has paid. Months or years later, your customer files for insolvency. Unfortunate, but not threatening for you – you think – because the invoice has long since been settled. Unfortunately, no. According to current case law (in Germany), the insolvency administrator can contest and reclaim payments made in order to have them included in the insolvency estate.

CCC Com Credit Contor therefore recommends that you take out Preferential Payment Cover to protect you against defaults arising from revocatory action in insolvency.

When things turn out differently than expected

If invoices already paid by your customers are reclaimed in the event of insolvency, this can threaten the existence of your company. This is because you may be required to make repayments retroactively for up to four years. In that case, it’s good to be insured against such a risk.

So that you keep what is yours:

  • Securing your liquidity
  • Reduction of the risk of refund preferential payments
  • Professional consultation on loss prevention
  • Savings in follow-up and legal costs

This is what CCC does for you:

  • We support you in the event of revocatory actions (in insolvency) – from receipt of the rescission letter, defence procedure up to the indemnification payment.
  • Together with you, we review the claim documents and provide you with recommendations for action.
  • CCC will determine for you the amount of insurance coverage available or remaining in your credit insurance policy for the risk of refund preferential payments.
  • We will always keep you informed about reforms and news.